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Adjective Phrase

The combination of adverb and adjective can form ADJECTIVE PHRASE (Adj. Phr.)
Adv+Adj= Adj. Phr.
e.g. The bitch is [very nasty].

The adjective is called the Head Adjective of the phrase (nasty). The adverb is a Modifier in the Adj.Phr.
vFunctions of Adj. Phr.
1. Subject Complement
e.g. She is [very unhappy].
                    Adj.Phr. : Subj. Compl.

After Linking Verbs: feel, get, go, grow, smell, taste and turn and the other linking verbs in the previous section. 
2. Object Complement
e.g. I prefer my wall [a little yellow].
                                     Adj.Phr. : Obj. Com.
After Complex -transitive verbs: drive, get, hold, pull, push, send, turn and the verbs in the previous section except those in the brackets.

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