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Mixed up sentences

What kind of clause is it (Adj, Adv or N-Cl)?
1.What I hate is dogs.
2.When I see you, I’m happy.
3.I think that he is amusing.
4.She is a teacher who teaches at WU.
5.He killed the man whose head is bald.

6.I will come back if I meet him.
What kind of sentence is it? (SS, CS, CPS, CCS)
.I have a very big house in the village, but I never stay there.
.She is a girl who has never stayed at home since she was young.
.I don’t have a cat.
.I cannot see the dog which you buy but I can smell it.
.The cat comes across the road as I break.
What is the function of these sentences?
    1 Come here please.
    2 She hits the table.
    3 He is falling!
    4 What is your job?
   5 Where do you live?
   6 What is this!
   7 Put it there.
   8 Dara, tell me the truth, please.
   9 When is it!
  10. Don’t go there again!

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